Apple has been in the news as of late due to controversy surrounding how their workers are treated at factories like Foxconn. Even Nike was in the news recently since one of their Indonesian factories had to pay their workers $1 million in overdue overtime pay. This is all very common though. Story of Stuff takes you through where your stuff comes from and where it goes when you’re done with it. We mainly just consider the time that we have the stuff we want not what happened before or after it was in our hands.
What’s outlined in this quote from the book Deep Green Resistance: Strategy to Save the Planet by Lierre Keith above is most likely far more common than we know. And it’s not just about Walmart. As consumers we have the power to withhold our money from companies that do this to their workers. As citizens we have the power to fight for an end to this kind of abuse on local, national and international levels.
You also have the option of going with organic cotton for your t-shirts from reputable companies which can reduce a number of these ills though not all of course.